
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Rise And Shine Darling!

Hello Beautifuls!

Getting out of your warm comfy bed is not an easy task. When you have a full day of studying and exams ahead of you it can be very discouraging to take on the day with a positive attitude. However, I have a few tips that actually help me pull through and conquer the day. Let's begin from the moment I open my eyes...

Wake up early-- 
When you sleep in late it may feel great at the moment but your body and mind will only feel more lethargic and exhausted than usual. Waking up early means you have to go to sleep earlier the night before. This may seem like a hard task but most of us have low productivity at night anyway!

Do your bed-- 
Two reasons.
1.) You won't feel like going back to sleep
2.) It will immediately make your room look cleaner and help you get started on the right foot.

Eat a meal--
Fueling your body will allow you to conquer your long checklist of the day and keep you full of energy. Eating a big meal in the morning will also give you more time to burn it off. Remember, big breakfast, smaller lunch, and an even smaller dinner is the way to go!

Chug a full bottle of water--
Overnight your body gets dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, you will feel tired and mentally exhausted. Hydrating is one of the easiest steps on this list.

Jump into the shower-- 
Showering not only wakes me up but makes me feel better about myself. When I don't shower in the mornings, I never want to get ready or look my best for that day, I just feel icky and gross which hinders me from feeling good and getting my day started.

Look presentable--
I have said this before, but I am a firm believer that the way you feel on the outside is the way you will feel on the inside. Be your best and brightest, everyday!

Think about something to look forward to--
This always works for me! Thinking about something exciting or great awaiting you tomorrow, the night before, will always help you wake up early and on a good note.

Thought I would share some of my morning favorites with you all as well ^! Just remember, planning is key. Plan for a better day, a better week, a better month, and you will get results. Have an awesome day!

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